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Call for Abstracts

You are kindly invited to submit abstracts of Original Research and Case Reports for the 4th Baltic Pulmonary Hypertension Conference by 12 April 2023.


The Scientific Committee will review submissions until 14 April 2023 and best abstract authors will be selected for Poster presentation sessions during the Conference on 21 April and their work will be published in the Conference webpage.


Poster presentation sessions will take place during the Conference Day on 21 April 11:00 - 11:30 and 13:10 - 14:00. Authors of the best Conference Poster presentations will be awarded at the end of the Conference. 


Please adhere to the following rules:

  • All abstracts should contain the title, full names and workplace of the author(s), city and email address. 

  • Abstracts should contain new information and not have been presented before.

  • Submissions must be in English.


Abstract structure: â€‹

  • Objectives/Background (study objectives, hypothesis tested, or description of problem) (2000 characters)

  • Methods (method used or approach taken) (2000 characters) 

  • Results (present in summarized form, must include data and/or substantial information about results, but do not include tables, graphs or pictures) (2000 characters)

  • Conclusions (description of main outcomes of the study) (2000 characters)


​Abstracts in English should be submitted by filling the form below by 12 April 2023

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Conference secretariat:

Please fill out and submit the form below by 12 April 2023 

Part 1: Information about main contact person

Part 2: Information about the Research

Thank you!

We'll be in touch.


BPH Conference 2023

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