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Dear Friends,


With great pleasure I welcome you to the 4th Baltic Pulmonary Hypertension and Circulation Conference which is returning to Riga, Latvia. The conference will be held in the birthplace of modern medicine in Latvia, which has since retained its best qualities in innovation and research - Riga Stradins University.

2022 was an important year for pulmonary hypertension as the long-anticipated ESC guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of PH were revealed, and I look forward to the discussion of these changes during the event. This is an opportunity to hear about the latest developments in treatment of CTEPH and PAH from international experts - Prof. Marcin Kurzyna from Poland and Prof. Olivier Sitbon from France, as well as leading experts from Baltic states. Case report sessions will provide valuable insight into solutions for some of the most complicated patients we have to encounter in our practice.

I strongly encourage you to present your own research in the field of pulmonary circulation during the poster session. A delegated board will select and award the best posters at the end of the conference. 

The Baltic region has historically been closely connected not only through bordering, and I am very proud that we can continue to strengthen our friendship amongst Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian colleagues and hope that this conference will act as a fruitful medium for future opportunities of collaboration.


On behalf of the organizing committee,

M.D., PhD, Professor Andris Skride



BPH Conference 2023

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